Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hello 3rd Grade Families!

Here's an update of the happenings this past week.


  • Ms. Pacheco began the multiplication unit on Thursday. We used paper cups stapled together and macaroni to represent multiplication problems. We also played a fun, competitive game in which students worked with a group to list things that come in groups of 2, things that come in groups of 3 and things that come in groups of 4. I then used the items on their lists to create some multiplication problems. They also did independent practice after our activities and on Friday.
  • We will continue with multiplication activities and practice. I would suggest going to WalMart or the Dollar Tree and purchasing multiplication flashcards, or helping your child to make their own for the times tables of 0-10
  • 3rd Graders and their families may also want to visit these interactive, fun websites in which students can practice with multiplication games Click here for the Dositey Multiplication games website Click here for CoolMath4Kids times table fun
  • We have been continuing our unit on Sound. I create worksheet packets to accompany every lesson/activity, which seems to be an effective way for the students to learn the material. The first sheet of each packet is a review of the previous lesson--usually with questions students can discuss in groups. The second sheet introduces the lesson being taught that day, and provides opportunities for students to predict the outcome of our investigations, and usually involves diagrams and pictures. They are then able to investigate with the materials from our science kit, write down their observations on a recording sheet/chart, and draw conclusions from those observations. Finally, we have a class discussion on the things they observed, if their predictions were correct, what surprised them, etc. The students are all eager to share their findings.
  • I would like to thank all of you that helped your child make the wind instrument out of the straws. It was a difficult task, and because it would work best with each child being assisted by an adult, Mrs. Berggren and I decided it would be best to assign the project for homework. No one was penalized for not completing the assignment, for making an instrument that didn't work, or for losing the straws that were sent home, as I know it wasn't originally part of this week's homework assignments and it was a challenging project. Thanks to those who attempted to help!

  • The 5 third grades at Richmond Elementary switch classes for reading. They then read a book in a small guided reading group, and complete Language Arts activities and assignments that relate to the book.
  • On the days in which classes do not switch, we are reading Stonefox by John Reynolds Gardiner


  • Our spelling list this past week contained compound words such as: everybody, grandmother, birthday, and others
Social Studies
  • Once we have completed all lessons in our science kit, I will begin the Intragrative/Thematic Unit based on the town of Richmond.

Other Happenings:
  • Mrs. McCulloch, Devan's mom, came in on Tuesday morning to talk about the Chinese New Year. She spoke about Chinese traditions, passed out snacks, taught the students how to use chopsticks, and taught us how to make a felt ox pin, since 2009 is the year of the ox.
  • You can see pictures from these activities by viewing the Room 7 online photo album by clicking here

As always, I encourage you to leave comments on this post by clicking the link at the bottom that says "# comments" ......the # will change depending on the amount of comments people leave (it now says "0 comments") and please e-mail me with any questions at:


Check back later in the week for another post!

-Ms. Pacheco

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