Friday, February 13, 2009


Welcome to Ms. Pacheco's Blog for Room 7
at Richmond Elementary School!

This blog will be used to update 3rd grade families on the happenings of each week in Mrs. Berggren's and Ms. Pacheco's third grade classroom at Richmond Elementary School.

Lessons & Concepts from the Week Before February Vacation (2/9-2/13):
Subtraction with 3-digit numbers
Addition & Subtraction Word Problems

Science: Sound Unit
Making sounds with nails
Making sounds with rulers
Exploring vibrations, pitch & frequency

Switching classes for guided reading groups with the other 3rd grades
Reading Stonefox & focusing on comprehension, vocabulary and story elements

Pen Pal Letters
Responding to writing prompts


Social Studies:
Reviewing map skills (and preparing for Ms. Pacheco's thematic unit on the community of Richmond)


After vacation:
We will continue with our science unit on sound. Ms. Pacheco is teaching concepts of sound through hands-on activities and exploration with the Science and Technology for Children/Smithsonian National Science Resources Center science kit!

Mrs. Berggren will finish up with the subtraction unit and Ms. Pacheco will start the multiplication unit.

We will continue with our guided reading groups and creative writing. We will also work on grammar, punctuation and parts of speech.

By mid March, Ms. Pacheco will begin her thematic unit based on the community of Richmond. There will be lots of focus on social studies concepts, but we will also be basing science, math, language arts, art, physical education and health on the theme.

Other Recent Happenings:
On Wednesday, February 11, students participated in the Matty Hatty Dance-a-thon! We all wore crazy hats and danced for the donations we received for the Matthew Siravo Memorial Foundation. Matty was a 5-year-old boy from South Kingstown who passed away in 2003 from epilepsy. All donations to the Matty Fund will provide aid for epilepsy research and education. Each grade at Richmond Elementary had their own time to dance at an assembly, and Mr. Travers then presented Matty's mother with our school's donation, which was over $1,200!

We celebrated Valentine's Day and the 100th Day of School on February 13 in our classroom!
Students exchanged Valentine cards and snacks and shared their collection of "100 Things" in celebration of the 100th day of school.

Important Reminder:
For the rest of February (not much time left!), we will be collecting items to send to our adopted troop based in Iraq. Suggested items include:
-Razors and shaving cream
-Toothpast and toothbrushes
-Body wash
-Band-Aids, First aid kits, etc.
-Popcorn, instant oatmeal and other microwavable & non-perishable food items
-Granola Bars/Cereal bars
-Gum, mints
-Pretzels, crackers
-Puzzle books (crossword, word search, sodoku, etc)
-Stationary & envelopes
-Plain, white, cotton t-shirts

Please feel free to post comments to this blog posting by clicking the "__ comments" link at the bottom or to e-mail me at any time!

Check back soon for another update!

-Ms. Pacheco

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