Sunday, May 10, 2009

I can’t believe Friday was already my last day student teaching. The year flew by, and I was not ready to leave room 7! The kids surprised me with a party today, along with flowers, cards and gifts. Mrs. Willeford made me this beautiful cake with my face on it! Isn’t it incredible?

Mrs. Berggren created a beautiful scrapbook for me with pictures of the kids from all year long. The kids signed their name and wrote me a little note next to one of their pictures. They also signed a canvas bag that Mrs. Berggren decorated for me. The kids got a kick out of seeing me cry as I was looking at the scrapbook! I’m going to miss each and every one of them so much. I gave them each a goody bag and a personalized note. Each student has such amazing and individual qualities that I wrote 20 different notes, all expressing my love for each student’s individual characteristics, strengths, and what I will remember them for. I feel incredibly privileged to have had the opportunity to teach the amazing 20 students in Room 7, and to develop a rapport with each of them. All of you must be so proud of the amazing kids your have.

Please let your children know that I will be back to visit, and that they can e-mail me at:

Here is an overview of the curriculum I have taught in the past few weeks.

After a few units on multiplication, I introduced the students to division as a backwards form of multiplication. I created the following example to explain this better:

We made Fact Family Booklets. Students were given 2 numbers in which they had to write the 4 different number sentences in the fact families. For example, the fact family for 3 and 5 would be:

3 x 5 = 15

5 x 3 = 15

15 / 5 = 3

15 / 3 = 5

We then moved on to number patterns and geometric patterns. Students were surprised to learn that they were learning geometry in third grade!

As part of our unit on the community of Richmond, we learned about petitions. The students each created their own petition for a change they would like to make to Richmond. The class voted on the 3 best ideas. The 3 ideas for petitions that got the most votes were:

1) Plant more trees, plants and flowers around Richmond.

2) Build houses for the homeless that they do not have to pay for.

3) Replace the bubblers at Richmond Elementary School with Poland Spring water coolers.

We then asked all 3rd grade students at Richmond Elementary to vote on one of the above 3. The winner was choice number 2; to build houses for the homeless that they don’t have to pay for. I was so impressed by the ideas all the students had about making Richmond a better place!

The students have just finished writing Bio-Poems. A Bio-poem is an 11 line poem about oneself. Here is the format that the students followed to write their own bio-poems:

*First name

*4 traits that describe you

*Relative of…

*Lover of… (3 people, places or things that you love)

*Who feels….(3 feelings such as “..happy when ________”, “…sad about _____”)

*Who needs…(any person, place or thing)

*Who fears…

*Who gives…(not something you buy to give to someone)

*Who would like to see…(3 people, places or things)

*Resident of…(street, town, state or country)

*Last name

They also drew pictures to accompany their poems that will go into their “White Books” along with all other writing activities from the school year.

We are still switching classes for reading, so students’ reading instruction differs depending on the teacher.

In our class, the students each read a biography and completed a poster on the person they read about. The posters were FANTASTIC! I was so impressed by how well every student did with this book report/project.

I am so sad that my time in room 7 is finished. I could not have asked for a better cooperating teacher than Mrs. Berggren! She taught me so much and was a pleasure to work with. Thank you to all 3rd grade families for being supportive of your children and for being involved in your children’s education. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at

-Ms. Pacheco

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